Huckleberry Weather

Your berry own hometown weather site

Preston Idaho

White building in field with mountains in background

Weather Summary

Currently: overcast clouds High: 39.67° Wind Chill: 36° Humidity: 76 Wind Speed: 5.19 mph

5 Day Forecast

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday
light rain


light snow


light snow




broken clouds



Spending time outdoors with your dog can make you happier

white dog running In a recent study, it was found that the more time outside a person spends with their dog or other animal, the more likely they are to be happy. Various candidates were studied with a variation of those who spent time outside without an animal, those who spent time outside with friends, and those who spent time with a dog. There were great differences in reported happiness levels of the candidates who spent the majority of their time outside with a dog in contrast to those who spent time with friends or just spent time outside alone. The conclusion of the study greatly implied that our furry friends have a great effect on our happiness, more than many have thought previously. You now have a great reason to go get a dog! Dogs = happiness.

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